84F, 84W, and 84S are part of a family of intelligent, high performance, flanged, wafer body, and sanitary vortex flowmeters. They transmit a digital and pulse output signal, as applicable, using HART® communication protocol for remote configuration, calibration, and monitoring. An on-board LCD indicator/configurator is offered for local configuration.
􏰀 Liquid, gas, or steam applications.
􏰀 For use with battery or solar power installations. 􏰀 Flanged or wafer body designs:
   – 3/4 to 12 in (DN 15 to DN 300) flanged body.
  – 3/4to8in(DN15toDN200)waferbody. 􏰀 Sanitary flowtube design:
  • –  Complies with 3-A sanitary standards
  • –  2and3in(DN50andDN80)Sizes
  • –  316L stainless steel flowtube with 25RA finish
  • –  Complete line of sanitary end connections
    􏰀 HART communication protocol. 􏰀 Best in class accuracy:
  • –  ±0.5% of reading in liquids.
  • –  ±1.0% of reading in gas and steam. 􏰀 Widest rangeability in class.􏰀
ActiveTuningTM algorithm:
  • –  Real time Reynolds number (RD) low flow
    correction down to RD of 5000.
  • –  Compensation for piping effects.
  • –  Adaptive filtering and signal conditioning.
  • –  Tunable for specific operating conditions.
    DirectSenseTM technology with lifetime sensor warranty.
    Pulse Output provides raw or scaled frequency, or total.
    CE marked; complies with EMC European Union and PED Directives, and NAMUR NE 21 interference immunity requirement.
    A free-to-use, flow sizing program is available on the internet at www.FlowExpertPro.com. 



